A warm welcome to the website of the Society of African Missions (SMA) British Province. We are an international missionary Society with members coming from 24 countries. Our missionary focus is Africa and her people. Our purpose is to spread the Gospel. Our missionaries presently serve in 17 different African countries.
Our Society was founded at Lyons, France in 1856 by a French Missionary Bishop, Bishop Melchior de Marion Bresiallac. He set out the following four guiding principles for his work at the beginning of his missionary career:
The British Province of our Society had its beginnings in Manchester in 1953, where today, we have a mission promotions centre. A further two mission promotions centres are located in Northwood, near Watford and Dunblane in Scotland. The Provincial Superior resides Manchester. The Society is sometimes known as the SMA Fathers. People often ask, then why SMA and not SAM? The initials refer to the name in Latin: Societas Missionum ad Afros which translates to Society of African Missions .
I invite you now to browse through the pages of the website where we offer information on the history, life, and mission of the SMA. At the same time, I invite you to support us in our missionary work. May the Good Shepard bless and protect you and your loved ones each and every day.